Pictures of Past Projects
Magnolia tree that hadn’t been pruned in 5+ years. Client requested to be able to see the interior trunk structure and have their patio feel less closed in.
Sweetgum removal. The whole tree was sliced and diced into the back of that blue trailer! 21” DBH and was taller than the 2-story house.
Locust tree removal. Climbed these little trees and rigged the trees to the ground. The lawn could not be damaged, the clients where pleased with the end results!
Clients where concerned about this Cedar growing towards and over their newly purchased house. They initially requested a full removal of this Cedar. Instead, I was able to reassure them of the benefit and safety to only remove the leaning codominant stem.
Large ornamental trees that hadn’t been pruned in a while. These pictures make it seem like we found a 3rd tree in the middle!
Cracked Cedar branch, hanging over the driveway, had a bit of fun climbing and piecing sections out!
Pin Oak that got a major deadwood prune, look at all the new light that shines through!
Tree Yeti Andy and a client assisting with brush.
Before and After shots of a fine prune on a Magnolia tree. Left taken in early spring, Right taken at sunset in Mid Summer.
Deadwood and hazard branch prune up in a Cedar.
Big leaf maple pruned to remove deadwood, weak and crossing branches.
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